
lfw style #1

View from the Strand entrance

This guy pulls off neon pink better than most girls ever could.

Loving perspex heels at the moment.

Here are the first lot of photographs taken today at London Fashion Week, believe me there are loads more.

Had a great day freezing my butt off in the cold with the lovely Jess from Sparks and Fireworks.

I don't think I'm cut out for street style photography, I'm much too slow and timid to bombard passers by which is why some of these are action shots, but I hope it gives you an idea of the LFW scene.

Now I'm off to defrost my fingers and toes..

follow me on bloglovin' and fashiolista


  1. So random, but I've literally just watched This Morning's little news piece on LFW and that dude with the neon pink trousers was their presenter for it. What a legend! xx

  2. the guy with the neon pink trousers *_* very brave but also very stylish :D


  3. i totally love that guy with the rainbow scarf... big scarf.. little head.. and that odd look on his face. priceless! but somehow, it works :) haha

